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The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the Fifth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Seventh National People's Congress on December 29, 1988, promulgated by
Order No. 11 of the President of the People's Republic of China on
December 29, 1988, and effective as of April 1, 1989)
Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Formulation of Standards
Chapter III Implementation of Standards
Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
This Law is formulated with a view to developing the socialist commodity
economy, promoting technical progress, improving product quality,
increasing social and economic benefits, safeguarding the interests of the
State and the people and suiting standardization to the needs in socialist
modernization and in the development of economic relations with foreign
Article 2
Standards shall be formulated for the following technical requirements
that need to be unified:
(1) the varieties, specifications, quality and grades of industrial
products as well as the safety and sanitary requirements for them;
(2) the design, production, inspection, packing, storage, transportation
and methods of operation of industrial products as well as the safety and
sanitary requirements for them in the process of production, storage and
(3) technical requirements and testing methods related to environmental
(4) the designs, construction procedure and safety requirements for
construction projects; and
(5) technical terms, symbols, code names and drawing methods related to
industrial production, project construction and environmental protection.
Major agricultural products and other items that need to be standardized
shall be designated by the State Council.
Article 3
The tasks of standardization shall include the formulation of standards
and organization of and supervision over the implementation of the
standards. Standardization shall be incorporated in the plan for national
economic and social development.
Article 4
The State shall encourage the active adoption of international standards.
Article 5
The department of standardization administration under the State Council
shall be in charge of the unified administration of standardization
throughout the country. Competent administrative authorities under the
State Council shall, in line with their respective functions, be in charge
of standardization in their respective departments and trades.
The departments of standardization administration of provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be
in charge of the unified administration of standardization within their
respective administrative areas. Competent administrative authorities
under the governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities
directly under the Central Government shall, in line with their respective
functions, be in charge of standardization in their respective departments
and trades within their respective administrative areas.
The standardization administration departments and the competent
administrative authorities of cities and counties shall, in line with
their respective functions as assigned by the governments of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government, be in charge of standardization within their respective
administrative areas.

Chapter II Formulation of Standards
Article 6
National standards shall be formulated for the technical requirements that
need to be unified nationwide. National standards shall be formulated by
the department of standardization administration under the State Council.
Where, in the absence of national standards, technical requirements for a
certain trade need to be unified, trade standards may be formulated. Trade
standards shall be formulated by competent administrative authorities
under the State Council and reported to the department of standardization
administration under the State Council for the record, and shall be
annulled on publication of the national standards. Where, in the absence
of both national and trade standards, safety and sanitary requirements for
industrial products need to be unified within a province, an autonomous
region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, local
standards may be formulated. Local standards shall be formulated by
departments of standardization administration of provinces, autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and
reported to the department of standardization administration and the
competent administrative authorities under the State Council for the
record, and shall be annulled on publication of the national or trade
Where, in the absence of both national and trade standards for products
manufactured by an enterprise, standards for the enterprise shall be
formulated to serve as the criteria for the organization of production. An
enterprise's standards for its products shall be reported to the
standardization administration department and the competent administrative
authorities under the local government for the record. Where national or
trade standards have been formulated, the State shall encourage
enterprises to formulate their enterprise standards, which are more
stringent than the national or trade standards, to be used in these
Where the formulation of standards is otherwise provided for by law, such
legal provisions shall be complied with.
Article 7
National standards and trade standards shall be classified into compulsory
standards and voluntary standards. Those for safeguarding human health and
ensuring the safety of the person and of property and those for compulsory
execution as prescribed by the laws and administrative rules and
regulations shall be compulsory standards, the others shall be voluntary
The local standards formulated by standardization administration
departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly
under the Central Government for the safety and sanitary requirements of
industrial products shall be compulsory standards within their respective
administrative areas.
Article 8
The formulation of standards shall be conducive to ensuring safety and the
people's health, safeguarding consumer interests and protecting the
Article 9
The standards to be formulated shall be conducive to a rational use of the
country's resources, a wider utilization of scientific and technological
gains and the enhancement of economic returns, conform to operation
instructions, increase the universality and interchangeability of
products, and be technologically advanced and economically rational.
Article 10
The standards to be formulated shall be coordinated with and supported by
related standards.
Article 11
The standards to be formulated shall help promote economic and
technological cooperation with foreign countries and foreign trade.
Article 12
The roles of trade associations, scientific research institutions and
academic organizations shall be brought into play in the formulation of
standards. A department engaged in the formulation of standards shall
organize a committee on standardization technology composed of
specialists, which shall be responsible for the drafting of the standards
and shall participate in the examination of the draft standards.
Article 13
After the standards come into force, the department that formulated them
shall, in the light of scientific and technological developments and the
needs in economic construction, make timely reviews of the current
standards to determine if they are to remain effective or are to be
revised or annulled.

Chapter III Implementation of Standards
Article 14
Compulsory standards must be complied with. It shall be prohibited to
produce, sell or import products that are not up to the compulsory
standards. With regard to voluntary standards, the State shall encourage
their adoption by enterprises on an optional basis.
Article 15
With respect to products for which national or trade standards have been
formulated, enterprises may apply to the standardization administration
department under the State Council or agencies authorized by the same
department for product quality authentication. For products which are
authenticated to conform to the standards, certificates shall be issued by
the department that made the authentication and the use of the prescribed
authentication marks shall be permitted on such products and the packing
If products for which authentication certificates have been granted do not
conform to national or trade standards, or if products have not undergone
authentication or found not up to the standards after the authentication
proceedings, no authentication marks shall be permitted for use on such
products leaving factories for sale.
Article 16
Technical requirements for export products shall comply with contractual
Article 17
The development of new products, improvement of products or technical
renovation by an enterprise shall conform to standardization requirements.
Article 18
Departments of standardization administration under governments at or
above the county level shall be responsible for supervision over and
inspection of the implementation of the standards.
Article 19
Departments of standardization administration under governments at or
above the county level may, in accordance with needs, establish inspection
organizations or authorize inspection organizations of other units to
examine whether products conform to the standards. Where the laws and
administrative rules and regulations provide otherwise on inspection
organizations, such provisions shall apply.
Disputes over whether a product conforms to the standards shall be handled
in accordance with the inspection data provided by the inspection
organizations as specified in the preceding paragraph.

Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Article 20
Whoever produces, sells or imports products that do not conform to the
compulsory standards shall be dealt with according to law by the competent
administrative authorities as prescribed by the laws and administrative
rules and regulations. In the absence of such prescriptions, his products
and unlawful proceeds shall be confiscated and he shall be concurrently
fined by the administrative authorities for industry and commerce; where
serious consequences are caused and crimes are constituted, the person
directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the law.
Article 21
Where authentication marks are used on products leaving a factory for
sale, for which authentication certificates have been issued but which do
not conform to national or trade standards, the enterprise concerned shall
be ordered by the department of standardization administration to stop the
sale and shall be fined concurrently; where the circumstances are serious,
the authentication certificates shall be revoked by the department that
made the authentication.
Article 22
Whoever uses authentication marks, without authorization, on products
leaving a factory for sale, which have not undergone authentication or
have been found not up to the standards after the authentication
proceedings, shall be ordered by the department of standardization
administration to stop the sale and shall concurrently be fined.
Article 23
A party which refuses to accept the punishment of confiscation of its
products and of its unlawful proceeds and a fine may, within 15 days of
receiving the penalty notice, apply for reconsideration to the office
immediately above the one that made the punishment decision; a party which
refuses to obey the reconsideration decision may, within 15 days of
receiving the reconsideration decision, bring a suit before a people's
court. The party also may, within 15 days of receiving the penalty notice,
directly bring a suit before a people's court. If a party neither applies
for reconsideration nor brings a suit before a people's court within the
prescribed time nor complies with the punishment decision, the office that
made the punishment decision shall apply to a people's court for
compulsory execution.
Article 24
Personnel responsible for the supervision, inspection and administration
of standardization who violate the law or neglect their duties, or are
engaged in malpractices for personal gains, shall be given disciplinary
sanctions; where crimes are constituted, their criminal responsibility
shall be investigated in accordance with the law.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Article 25
Rules for the implementation of this Law shall be formulated by the State
Article 26
This Law shall go into effect as of April 1, 1989.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from the "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

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  第一章 总则

  第一条 为了规范招标投标活动中的评标行为,维护招标投标当事人的合法权益,根据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》、《国务院办公厅关于进一步规范招标投标活动的若干意见》(国办发〔2004〕56号)等法律、法规、规章,结合三亚实际,制定本办法。

  第二条 在本市区域内依法必须招标项目的评标活动适用本办法。

  第三条 评标活动应当遵循公平、公正、科学、择优的原则依法进行。

  第四条 招标人和其委托的招标代理机构应当保证评标活动在严格保密的情况下进行。

  第二章 评标委员会

  第五条 评标活动由招标人依法组建的评标委员会负责。

  第六条 政府投资项目,评标委员会原则上全部由在三亚市综合评标专家库随机抽取的技术、经济等方面的专家组成,招标人代表需作为评标委员会成员参与评标的需报市人民政府批准,且招标人代表应当是本单位熟悉相关业务并具有相应资质的在职人员。评标委员会成员为五人以上的单数,且随机抽取的专家不得少于评标委员会成员总数的三分之二。


  第七条 在评标前,评标委员会全体人员须签署《评标专家声明书》。由评标委员会成员共同推举或者通过随机抽取的方式确定一名评标委员会负责人。评标委员会负责人主要工作如下:







  第八条 实行工程量清单招标的施工招标,招标人可以依法组织清标,但不得对投标文件进行评价、打分等评审性工作。评标委员会评标时应当复核并确认已整理的资料、数据。

  第九条 招标人或其委托的招标代理机构应当把经市发展改革部门或者市各行业行政主管部门审查备案的招标文件,包括招标文件补充文件、答疑文件、评标标准和方法等全部提供给评标委员会,并保证每人一份。

  第三章 评标方法与评标要求

  第十条 三亚市招标项目原则上采用资格后审的方式,除法律、法规有明确规定必须采用资格预审方式外,特殊情况需采用资格预审方式的须报市人民政府批准。

  第十一条 三亚市项目建安工程费在5000万元以下的市国有投资建设房屋建筑和市政基础设施工程项目及3000万元以下的其他市国有投资建设工程项目,评标办法原则上采用经评审的最低投标价法或者单因素单平均法,以下两类招标项目可采用综合评估法:




  第十二条 评标专家出席评标时,应当准时进入评标室,并主动出示本人有效身份证件,经行政监督部门工作人员确认其身份后参与评标。

  第十三条 评标委员会成员应当遵守有关评标管理规定以及评标纪律,客观、公正地进行评标,评标全过程接受行政监督部门的监督。

  第十四条 评标委员会成员具有下列情形之一的,应当主动提出回避:






  第十五条 评标委员会成员在评标过程中应当遵守下列规定:





 第十六条 评标委员会应当严格按照招标文件规定的评标标准和方法对投标文件进行评审。招标文件中没有的评标标准和方法不得作为评标依据。 

  第四章 评标程序

  第十七条 评标委员会评标时,先对投标文件进行初步评审,逐项列出投标文件的投标偏差;再对经初步评审合格的投标文件的技术标和商务标部分作详细评审。

  第十八条 商务标评审的一般程序为:




  第十九条 技术标评审的一般程序为:




  第二十条 采用经评审最低评标价法的,以经评审的投标报价由低至高的顺序,推荐三名中标候选人。

  第二十一条 采用综合评标法评标时,可以采用所有评委打分的总分平均值计算出每个投标文件的得分。该平均值采用去掉一个最高分和一个最低分后的算术平均数。按招标文件要求推荐中标候选人。

  第二十二条 投标人应当以书面形式对评标委员会提出的问题作出澄清、说明或者补正,但不得超出投标文件的范围或者改变投标文件的实质性内容;评标委员会对投标人澄清、说明或者补正的内容进行评审,并依法判定是否实质响应招标文件。

  第二十三条 采取经评审的最低投标价法评标时,招标人应设置招标控制价(拦标价)。招标控制价(拦标价)应当由有资质的注册造价师编制并加盖执业专用章和加盖执业单位公章,经市各行业行政监督部门审核后生效。

  第二十四条 在评标过程中发现下列情形之一的,评标委员会应当否决投标人的投标或者作废标处理:






  第二十五条 经评审后,认为有效投标均不符合招标文件的技术要求或者明显缺乏竞争力时,应当否决全部投标。



  第二十六条 评标委员会对于评标过程中发现的问题,应当及时处理,并作出书面记录。

  第二十七条 在技术标评审过程中,评标委员会个别成员和其余评标委员会成员有重大意见分歧,评标委员会负责人应当提醒其进行复核,经复核后该评标委员会成员仍坚持其独立意见的,应当作出书面说明。

  第二十八条 评标委员会每位成员均应当对本人的评审意见写出说明并签字,并对本人评审意见的真实性和准确性负责,不得随意涂改所填内容。

  第二十九条 评标结束后,评标委员会应当及时编写并向招标人提交书面评标报告。


  第三十条 对评标结论持有异议的评标委员会成员可以书面阐述其不同意见和理由。评标委员会成员拒绝在评标报告上签字且不陈述其不同意见和理由的,视为同意评标结论。评标委员会应当对此作出书面说明并记录在案。

  第三十一条 评标结束后,由招标人向评标专家支付劳务费。除此之外,评标专家不得接受该项目招标投标相关单位和个人的任何其他礼物、现金或者有价证券等财物。

  第三十二条 本办法自发布之日起施行。

  第三十三条 本办法由三亚市人民政府负责解释。




学校名称 专 业 主管部门
天津城市建设学院 建筑学 天津市高教局
长治医学院 临床医学 山西省教委
沈阳黄金学院 地质矿产勘查 国家黄金管理局
沈阳医学院 预防医学 辽宁省教委
扬州大学(注) 工业与民用建筑工程 江苏省教委
常州技术师范学院 无线电技术 江苏省教委
济宁医学院 预防医学 山东省教委
中国民航飞行学院 飞机驾驶 中国民用航空局
新疆中医学院 中医针灸 新疆维吾尔自治区教委

